Dorking Pest Control Services
Office (01306) 743001- Mob 07710 117491

2 Springfield Road Westcott, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 3PD
Mice & Mouse Control
Do you think you may have a problem with mice? Have you been hearing scratching in your roof or in the floor spaces, found droppings in the kitchen cupboards or things that have been chewed. These are all tell tale signs you may have a problem which needs to be sorted.
Mice can cause a number of problems to a home or business such as chewing through cables and other structural damage, they can damage and spoil food goods as well as spread disease which can be a loss in profit or bring a bad name to a business.
Dorking Pest Control can offer a cost effective solution to your mouse problem by carrying out a treatment and surveying your property to advice you on any methods where you could need some proofing to prevent a problem from reoccurring.
So to have your mouse problem solved today give us a call to see how we can help.